News Notes: Police, Fire rescue runaway ponies
By Mike BergerOn Saturday, January 4, around 1:45 p.m., Canton Fire and Police received calls reporting that three small ponies were running along Route 138 in the area of Sassamon Street.
Motorists were concerned that a passing car might hit one of the ponies. Police, firefighters and members of the town’s Animal Control Department were able to corral the small horses off the road and into the parking lot of the Ponkapoag Fire Station.
Using social media, police inquired about the owner of the horses, and the response was overwhelming. Police received offers — from as far away as Upton — to shelter the animals until the owner could be located. The Lazy S Ranch on the Canton/Randolph line also offered services.
The owners, who have not been identified, eventually contacted the CPD and reunited with the ponies. Police said they are therapeutic ponies and spend time with mentally and developmentally disabled children.
Canton Fire Lt. Donnie Lester said firefighters at the Sassamon Street station fed the ponies until the Lazy S Ranch sent a trailer.
Firefighters respond to 2 fatal accidents
Canton firefighters and paramedics responded to two motor vehicle accidents — on routes 138 and 95 North — that took the lives of two people. On December 31 at 1:37 a.m. firefighters used the Jaws of Life to extricate two victims from a one-car accident on Rte. 138 near the Canton-Stoughton line. An unidentified Easton man died at the scene and another unidentified man was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital for treatment.
On Wednesday, January 1, Canton firefighters joined firefighters from Sharon, Norwood and Walpole, along with the State Police, in responding to a seven-car accident between the Neponset and Coney Street exits on Rte. 95 North.
Police say the accident happened at about 2 a.m. when a car struck a guardrail, then spun into oncoming traffic where it collided with a Cadillac, causing a chain reaction of collisions. A passenger in the Cadillac, Elefthria Pantekidis, 71, of Jamaica Plain, was pronounced dead at Norwood Hospital. Five passengers were also taken to Norwood and Boston hospitals. Fire Lt. Donnie Lester said two were listed in critical condition. He said two cars were totaled and five others sustained minor damage. Rte. 95 North was closed for four hours following the accident.
Cost for Jan. 2-3 snowstorm could approach $100,000
DPW Superintendent Mike Trotta estimates that costs for the January 2-3 snowstorm could approach $100,000. The storm dropped 14.5 inches of snow over two days and required 75-80 DPW workers and private contractors. Plow drivers had trouble with poor visibility during the storm, Trotta said, adding that with the temperature hovering around two degrees, salt does not work well and sand was needed to improve traction. Plow drivers worked through Friday night and Saturday to get the streets back to bare gravel. Trotta said residents’ cooperation in getting cars off the road was “very good.”
Lt. Donald Lester said the Fire Department responded to calls for frozen water pipes, including calls from Shaw’s and the Forge Pond condos.
Dryer fire evacuates Arboretum Way unit
A December 29 dryer fire in one of the Canton Arboretum Way units caused one of the buildings to be evacuated for a few hours at 8:15 p.m. Fire Lt. Donnie Lester said firefighters found heavy smoke damage when they arrived and had to ventilate the building.
Four Canton firefighters in honor guard for fallen Marine
Firefighter/EMTs Jeff O’Brien, Brian Leary, Dave Clark, and Mike Mathews, all veteran Marines, were part of the honor guard at last week’s funeral for U.S. Sgt. Daniel Vasselian of Abington, who was killed in Afghanistan.
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