Friends of Billy Cravens ‘floored’ by turnout at recent fundraiser
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Those words cannot be said enough and they will never relay completely how our families feel. Saturday night at the Canton Town Club was amazing.
Rose and Billy Cravens have so many wonderful friends — some they would truly call family. These friends, from all different places and from all different parts of Rose and Billy’s lives, came together and organized, planned and held an event that will be remembered for many years to come. We could go on for pages on how moved, touched and just “floored” we all are by the amount of people in attendance, each with a story to tell about how Billy touched their life.
Billy is a unique person. He will bring a smile to the face of the most cynical person in the room. He will lend you a hand and a smile when you most need it and have not asked for it. He will make a friend in the elevator — no awkward silences for him. We often hear the phrase “What goes around, comes around.” But when Billy was diagnosed with ALS, this saying just didn’t seem to apply. How could this happen to one of the most giving people we know? But Saturday night gave new meaning to it. Billy has put a smile on the face of so many of the people of Canton, and they all came out to repay the favor.
While this awful disease may strip him of some of the physical parts of life, he will remember Saturday night as something ALS could not take away: friends, family, and a small town. You just can’t ask for more.
Thank you from the Cravens, Duggan, McCarthy and Piro families
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