‘Have a Heart’ fundraiser to benefit CHS grad
By Mike BergerAfter surviving cancer in her early 20s and a pregnancy rife with complications, Erica (Fletcher) Shea, a 2003 Canton High School graduate, is now battling end-stage congestive heart failure and is in desperate need of a new heart.
Shea, who lives in Stoughton with her husband, David, and their son, Ryder, is currently at home receiving around-the-clock IV heart medications and has been placed on the heart transplant waiting list. She has also been fitted with a ventricular assist device (VAD), a mechanical pump that supports heart function.
In the meantime, an 8-year-old north shore girl named Bailee has stepped forward to raise awareness of her plight with a website aimed at raising $10,000 for Shea’s medical expenses.
As of February 2, Bailee’s “Pink Lemonde: Have a Heart” fund had raised $3,175, and Bailee is hoping to add to that total at a benefit event planned for February 16 in Gloucester.
In a post written on her webpage last week, Bailee’s mother, Brieana Militello, thanked those who have already donated and confidently predicted that they would reach their fundraising goal.
“This means so much to Erica, Dave and Ryder during these tough times,” Brieana wrote. “She is so grateful! And Bailee is grateful that you are all helping her reach her goal to help Erica!”
As detailed on the website, Shea’s “medical nightmare” began in 2007 following the discovery of a lump on her neck that was revealed to be cancerous. Diagnosed with Stage III Hodgkin’s lymphoma at age 22, Shea underwent a six-month chemotherapy regimen, which led to a remission in 2008.
Due to the chemotherapy treatments and a history of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), Shea was told she would never be able to conceive, but to her surprise, she became pregnant in 2011. However, at her 20-week ultrasound appointment, she was found to have a weakened cervix and was placed on bed rest after undergoing a procedure to prevent pre-term labor.
On December 4, 2011, her “miracle baby,” Ryder, was born at four pounds, 14 ounces, and the family arrived home “healthy and excited” four days later.
Within two days of being sent home, however, Shea began experiencing symptoms such as shortness of breath and severe chest pain, and she was rushed back to the hospital and admitted to the intensive care unit, where she was diagnosed with heart failure. At the time, her heart had an ejection fraction (a measurement of how much blood the heart is pumping) of 20 percent — well below the normal range of 55-70 percent.
Shea’s heart function continued to decline, and on December 1, 2013, she was placed in a medically induced coma and med-flighted to Boston due to sepsis — a whole-body inflammation that portends organ failure.
Remarkably, Shea made a strong recovery and was able to go home nine days later with a PICC line in place to receive continuous IV medications.
Now home with her family, Shea continues to be “extremely positive” and upbeat while awaiting the “gift of life.”
“This whole ride has been quite the roller coaster of mixed emotions,” she said. “I am so grateful in the advances in medicine that have kept me alive long enough to have this [left ventricular assist device] placed as I await a transplant. I can’t wait to feel better and give my husband back his wife and show my son what a mom with energy feels like.”
She also expressed gratitude for the efforts of Bailee and Brieana, whom she met while living in the north shore after graduating from CHS.
“When Bailee and her mom reached out to me about the fundraising, I was honored — a huge weight was lifted off our shoulders,” she said.
Shea described Bailee as an “amazing little girl who has been raised with a lot of faith and the belief of helping others.”
“It is amazing to me that a little girl can have thoughts about what others need instead of what she needs or wants,” Shea said. “[Bailee’s] website has helped my family and me to have some security financially, but more importantly, it has restored our own faith in the kindness of people. I hope to raise my son on the basis of helping others.”
Bailee’s “Have a Heart” benefit for Erica Shea will take place on Sunday, February 16, from 5-9 p.m. at the D.E.S. Portuguese Club in Gloucester. There will be food, a DJ, a silent auction, and an update on the latest fundraising plans for Shea. Tickets are $15 per person and payable at the door.
For more information or to donate, go to www.gofundme.com/5zihu4.
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