Archive for: June 26th, 2014

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Ponkapoag Fire Part 1

The following is the first in a two-part series on the Ponkapoag Fire of 1924. Click here to read part 2. Albert D’Attanasio was in a strange new place. The Comune di Loreto Aprutino is a small village in central Italy in the Abruzzo region. At any other time in the life of a 4 […]

Selectmen approve Pleasant St. rotary redesign

Canton selectmen voted 5-0 Tuesday night to spend an estimated $250,000 to $300,000 to rebuild the Pleasant Street-Devoll Field intersection and form a roundabout design. Selectmen agreed with DPW Superintendent Mike Trotta that the roundabout (rotary) will significantly slow traffic from an estimated 40 miles per hour to 20-25 miles per hour and make it […]

CPD: Rise in fake IDs, youth alcohol possession

Over the last several weeks, Canton police have reported an unusual increase in the number of high school students found in possession of alcohol and using fake identifications to purchase alcohol. The CPD Family Services Unit is investigating the identity of these individuals, those who are supplying the false identifications, and establishments that are selling […]

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