CPD: Rise in fake IDs, youth alcohol possession
By Mike BergerOver the last several weeks, Canton police have reported an unusual increase in the number of high school students found in possession of alcohol and using fake identifications to purchase alcohol.
The CPD Family Services Unit is investigating the identity of these individuals, those who are supplying the false identifications, and establishments that are selling them alcohol. According to Canton police, the fake identifications appear to be professionally manufactured with functional bar codes that will work if scanned by a liquor establishment.
Police said that in some instances, the alcohol is being dropped off at specified locations and occasionally at the residences of unsuspecting homeowners. Residents have reported suspicious persons on their property, and one call reported a possible breaking and entering in progress.
Police, in a statement on the department website, reminded students and parents that a minor found in possession of alcohol can be charged criminally in addition to facing academic and athletic sanctions.
See this week’s Canton Citizen for more police and fire news.
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