Canton schools to continue earlier bus pick-up times
By Mike BergerMorning school bus routes will likely remain 10 to 15 minutes ahead of schedule, at least for the foreseeable future, in light of ongoing roadwork at the University Avenue/Canton Street intersection in Westwood.
Two weeks ago, the town began experiencing heavy traffic congestion on Dedham Street and other main roads, causing several buses to arrive late to their respective schools.
Selectmen Chairman Victor Del Vecchio recently asked Westwood officials to delay the start of morning construction, and Westwood obliged, setting construction hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.
This change did allow traffic to flow better last week, and School Business Manager Barry Nectow, who supervises the buses, said the earlier pick-up times will stay in place for now but will be subject to further review. The idea of a student waiting outside at a bus stop at 6:30 a.m. did concern committee member John Bonnanzio.
In other transportation news, Nectow said that as of Monday, September 22, bus passes would be required for all students and the late bus would begin running at the middle and high schools every Monday and Thursday afternoon.
In other news, the committee took a closer look at the recent enrollment increases at the middle and high schools, which gained an additional 68 students since June. School Superintendent Jeff Granatino examined class sizes at both schools and said there are 52 instances at the high school and 166 instances at the middle school where there are 25 or more students in a class, although 79 are in group settings such as wellness or music.
Most concerning to committee members were the math and science classes, including an algebra II class with 32 students and an anatomy and physiology class with 29 students. The committee decided to revisit the class sizes when they consider the school budget for the next school year.
See this week’s Canton Citizen for additional highlight’s from the September 18 School Committee meeting.
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