Town of Canton launches revamped website
By Mike BergerOn December 5, the town launched its newly redesigned website at The new homepage features four major categories: Government, Services, Residents, and Business. There is also a side panel with links for reporting a concern, online bill payments, notifications and alert signup. Other links include 2015 ATM, Accessibility, Annual Reports, Boards and Committees, Town Departments, Board/Committee Agendas, Posted Minutes, Document Center, Forms and Applications, Frequently Asked Questions, Recycling, and Report a Street Light Outage. In addition, there are new sections for News and Announcements and Canton Events.
Truck caught in low-hanging wires
Portions of Randolph Street were shut down on December 1 around 11 a.m. as police, fire, and NStar crews worked to untangle low-hanging electrical wires caught around a truck. Emergency crews shut down the utilities until the truck was freed. No one was injured in the accident. The street resumed normal traffic around 12:15 p.m.
Police to host reception for retiring officer
The Canton Police Association will host a cocktail party for retiring Officer Bob Schneiders on Saturday, December 13, from 7 to 11 p.m. at the American Legion Hall.
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