Town clerk announces election deadlines, vacancies
By Canton CitizenTown Clerk Tracy Kenney has announced that nomination papers for the 2015 annual town election, to be held on April 7, will be available in the Town Clerkâs office beginning Monday, January 12, at 9 a.m. The last day to obtain nomination papers is Friday, February 13, at 5 p.m.
Those seeking office in the election must obtain the signatures of at least 50 registered voters in the town of Canton. The last day to file completed nomination papers with the Board of Registrars is Tuesday, February 17, at 7 p.m.
The offices that will appear on the ballot are as follows:
Board of Selectmen: two 3-year terms
Town Clerk: one 3-year term
Board of Assessors: one 3-year term
Board of Health: one 3-year term
School Committee: one 3-year term
Planning Board: one 5-year term
Trustees of Public Library: three 3-year terms
Housing Authority: one 5-year term
Housing Authority: one 4-year term (to fill a vacancy)
Housing Authority: one 3-year term (to fill a vacancy)
Any individual wishing to obtain nomination papers for Housing Authority must declare which term they will seek when they obtain nomination papers.
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