Resident grateful for new Pleasant St. roundabout
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
I was surprised to see a letter to the editor published in the December 31 edition of the Canton Citizen in which the writer referenced a “firestorm of criticism” for the roundabout on Pleasant Street. Perhaps those of us — and I am sure there are many — who are grateful for the changes in the intersection should be speaking up more in support of the roundabout.
As a resident of Diana Drive who for years dreaded every day having to cross Pleasant Street from Lincolnshire Drive to Bolivar Street or make the left onto Lincolnshire from Pleasant, this roundabout has provided a safe and easy route.
As someone who goes through this intersection several times a day and usually with children in the car, I am grateful for the roundabout, the safer conditions, and improved traffic flow.
Danielle Degnan
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