Public Works Dept. overspends snow removal budget
By Mike BergerIn only one week’s time, the DPW has overspent its annual snow removal budget of $414,500 by approximately $350,000 after two major storms dumped nearly 45 inches of snow in Canton. DPW Superintendent Mike Trotta estimates he will need another $120,000 — beyond the current $350,000 deficit — to get through the rest of winter and plans to make these requests to the selectmen and Finance Committee.
The most recent storm, which lasted throughout the day on Monday, dumped close to 15 inches in Canton. The DPW used 35 pieces of town equipment and 30 contractors during Monday’s storm and 75 pieces of equipment during last week’s blizzard. As of Tuesday morning, February 3, Trotta said he is running behind on salt with only 200 tons remaining in storage. In an average storm, the DPW uses between 300 and 400 tons of salt. He is hoping that additional deliveries this week will help alleviate the shortage.
As of Tuesday morning, Trotta reported that all major roads were open and in good shape, with the emphasis shifting to intersections, dead-ends, and sidewalks. Trotta said they have cleared the sidewalks leading to the schools and would next focus on the sidewalks leading to the Canton Junction train station. “I think my biggest problem is where to put the snow,” he said. “There really isn’t room to push back.”

Fun in the Snow: Grace Donahue, 5, tours Ponkapoag with her dad, Rob, during the recent blizzard. (Michelle Stark photo)
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