Resident wants answers on rink collapse
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
As a parent of a hockey player and a taxpayer in the town, I am extremely concerned with how this catastrophe (collapse of the roof at Metropolis Rink) unfolded. The town of Canton should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen, and people need to be held accountable. First and foremost, thankfully no one was hurt; however, this very well could have been a tragedy.
Many rinks as well as numerous businesses were proactive with snow accumulation and closed on their own until they had cleared the snow and confirmed it was safe to re-open. I hope by submitting these concerns to you, the Citizen will act as a fair and honest sounding board for those of us who are concerned and need answers. Both the director of Canton Parks and Recreation as well as the town administrator have a lot of explaining to do and have already missed the opportunity to be proactive here and step out and face those of us who are concerned.
I am just very frustrated that a town that I have grown to love has totally dropped the ball here and has chosen not to take ownership in this event. I am baffled that no one, as of Monday morning, had answered questions or calls from the Boston Herald or Boston Globe. This could have been an awful tragedy for many parents, husbands, or wives in any one of the surrounding towns.
As someone who utilizes the rink for my children and pays taxes, I really want answers. All we have heard is that the town had a meeting prior and they were determining what to do with the snow — and this we heard after the collapse took place. Parents have often wondered for many years where the money generated by the rink goes, as it is constantly in use by multiple towns and other organizations yet is very outdated both inside and out.
Searching for answers …
Mike Sullivan
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