Man About Canton: Friendly Visitors
By Joe DeFeliceDid you know …
The Voice of the Canton Council on Aging newsletter listed an article on the Friendly Visitor Program. It asks the question, “Do you have an hour in your schedule to give?” If so, you may want to consider becoming a friendly visitor for the Canton Council on Aging. It is a wonderful way to give back to the Canton community. You will find it rewarding assisting and helping someone in need. You may not be aware that there are many lonely and isolated seniors in Canton who would greatly benefit from your kind smile and time. The newsletter goes on to say that reaching out to a senior and making a true connection is the most rewarding experience of all. All volunteers are welcome to join. If interested in volunteering, or if you are aware of a senior in need, please contact Robin Tobin at the Senior Center at 781-828-1323.
Professor and historian Gary Hylander was the guest speaker at the Canton Historical Society’s quarterly meeting. He spoke about the World War II Battle of the Bulge. This past January marked the 70th anniversary of the battle, one of the largest and bloodiest experienced by American forces in all of World War II.
MAC recently returned home after spending three weeks in Florida. It is interesting to note that the state of Florida has surpassed New York in population to become the third most populous state in the United States with 19.9 million residents. Only California, with 38.8 million residents, and Texas (27 million) top Florida.
The Civil War “Infantryman Soldier” in front of Memorial Hall is 7 feet tall and weighs 400 pounds.
Did you ever notice the Roman numeral for 40 is XL?
College students keep growing older. The percentage of college students over 25 today is estimated at 40 percent. According to statistics, Americans with four-year college degrees earn 98 percent more per hour than people without degrees.
A Massachusetts driver’s license photo must be updated every ten years.
A recent analysis conducted by school officials found that more than 150 classes at the Galvin Middle School are currently over the classroom size guidelines.
The school budget set for fiscal year 2016 is $37,159,654, which is subject to change at the annual town meeting in May and by the Finance Committee. The numbers may also change based on new growth revenue and local aid projections coming from the state.
Selectmen recently approved a common victualler’s license for Ruta Raw Juice Bar at 635 Washington Street to be operated by Kristina and Remy Mikelenas.
A petition recently presented to the Zoning Board of Appeals by Pearlie Mae’s Cafe/Doreen Raftery/John J. Flatley is looking for a special permit and/or variance to operate a new cafe on property located at 45 Dan Road.
The state Department of Revenue recently announced a reduction in the income tax from 5.2 percent to 5.15 percent for bay state taxpayers effective January 1, 2015. This is the third year that an automatic tax cut was triggered due to sufficient economic growth.
The Falmouth town meeting members recently approved a ban on plastic checkout bags, making the community the second on Cape Cod to enact such a prohibition. Provincetown approved a similar ban, which goes into effect on April 15, 2015. Falmouth will allow retailers and takeout restaurants to phase out the plastic bags over 18 months.
The actual capacity at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, home of the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots, is 68,756. The town of Foxboro receives $1.47 for every ticket sold at a Patriots’ game as well as a Revolution soccer game. In fiscal year 2014, the town of Foxboro received $2.83 million through this arrangement.
The newly renamed South Coast Rail Task Force has its own website and for up-to-date information, go to The preferred electric train route from Boston through Canton, Stoughton, and Easton to Fall River and New Bedford has been established. The state Department of Transportation awarded a 10-year, $210 million design/permitting contract in June 2014. That contract includes $12 million for this fiscal year and another $18.4 million for rail crossing improvements and related upgrades.
Former Canton state Senator and new Congressman Bill Keating was recently elected by his fellow house Democrats to become the ranking member of the Terrorism Nonproliferation and Trade Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Changing one’s mind is not a sin. It’s a way of saying that I’m wiser today than I was yesterday.
This is all for now folks. See you next week.
Joe DeFelice can be reached at
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