Annual Cheryl’s Kids Bake Sale to benefit Parks and Rec
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
On Sunday, May 17, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Cheryl’s Kids are hosting their sixth annual “Cheryl’s Kids Bake Sale.” Daycare provider Cheryl Isaksen and her “kids” (past and present) will host a fun-filled day of selling sweets and treats, with all funds to be donated to charity. As the event is in its sixth year, the team will be bigger than ever with many of Cheryl’s Kids “alumni” in attendance.
The event started in 2010 when Mylee Lebowitz, then age 5, stated that she wanted to do something good for other people. When Cheryl asked Mylee (now 11) what she had in mind, the brainstorming began and thus the annual bake sale was born. Mylee’s mother, Jen, and Erin DiBiasio, mother of Andrew, 11, and Austin, 9, spearheaded the event with Cheryl’s help in the first year, and they have continuously played a part in organizing it year after year while involving new families and friends along the way.
Over the years, over 50 families have volunteered at the event to bake, package, and sell all sorts of sweets, treats and candies. Each year, the kids have chosen a different charity, from local recipients such as the Canton Food Pantry to national charities such as Susan G. Komen for the Cure and St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. The event has generated well over $7,000 in donations in its lifetime, and the kids are looking forward to making this year’s contributions to the Canton Parks and Recreation Department in honor of Allison Grossman.
What started as something small has grown to become a great tradition. Please join us on Sunday, May 17, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the front lawn of 557 Pleasant Street, which is along the route of the Dean S. Luce School’s 5k and Fun Run.
Casey Butler
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