Former Bulldog standout stars in first play
By Jay Turner
Canton native Elias Camacho performs as Davis in Really, Really – an honest and nuanced portrayal of sexual assault on a college campus. (Emily Feher photo)
After many years of starring on the gridiron, Canton native and Wesleyan University freshman Elias Camacho recently decided to test the waters on a different kind of stage, joining a student-run theater group for their recent production of Paul Downs Colaizzo’s Really, Really.
Camacho, in his first-ever live performance, tackled the challenging role of Davis, a college “golden boy” accused of raping a female classmate after a drunken one-night stand.
Jahanara Alamgir, in a review of the play for the Wesleyan Argus, notes that Camacho’s Davis “brings multi-dimensionality to the role and invokes the audience’s empathy while retaining the sense that he, like anyone, can be violently dangerous.”
Camacho, according to Alamgir, “particularly shines in the last scene, where his commitment to the role becomes incredibly visible.”
Really, Really, directed by Wesleyan senior Haley Rauch, had a three-night run last month at Wesleyan’s Malcolm X House.
A 2013 graduate of Canton High School, Camacho starred on offense and defense for the Bulldogs and was a two-time All-Hockomock selection. He joined the Wesleyan football team this fall and played in two games at defensive back for the Cardinals.
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