Selectmen establish Blue Ribbon Traffic Committee
By Mike BergerThe Board of Selectmen on Tuesday night voted to establish a Blue Ribbon Traffic Committee, which would serve as an advisory panel to the board and “proactively identify traffic issues in Canton and present novel solutions to the Traffic Study Committee for technical and feasibility review.”
The committee will include one citizen from each of the town’s six precincts, two selectmen or their designees, and a Planning Board traffic consultant as a non-voting member.
The idea of the Blue Ribbon Committee and its mission statement came from newly elected selectmen Mark Porter and Kevin Feeney, who noted from their campaigns how traffic issues in town dominated their conversations with residents.
Porter and Feeney added that the committee should listen to the concerns of neighbors and report back on the progress made towards addressing those issues. Both agreed that citizen representatives should be known to their neighbors and be approachable. They said the committee meetings should be shown on Canton Community TV with public notice given in advance of the meetings.
Selectmen will meet July 28 to formally appoint the committee members. Residents who would like to be considered for appointment should email or mail a letter of interest to the selectmen’s office.
In related news, selectmen said they will send a letter to nearly 150 residents in the Wentworth Road area asking for input into possible traffic-calming measures. The letter will be sent to residents living on Wentworth Road, Ridge Hill Road, Tilden Road, Talbot Road, and a portion of Redman Road.
At the selectmen’s meeting on May 26, residents shared their concerns regarding the volume, speed, and cut-through nature of traffic along Wentworth Road during the morning and evening commuting hours.
Selectmen want to gauge the sentiment of residents regarding suggestions of signage, line painting, and other traffic-calming measures such as stop signs. If enough interest exists, a public information meeting will be held to discuss traffic-calming measures …
See this week’s Canton Citizen for more highlights from the June 9 selectmen’s meeting. Click here to order your subscription today.
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