Criticism of Senior Center unfair, inaccurate


Dear Editor:

When I read the letter in last week’s Canton Citizen criticizing the Senior Center’s “much too small” exercise room, my first response was, “Huh?” However, upon wading through the unnecessary vitriol for a second time, I felt I had to respond, especially since I am affiliated with the COA, a Cantonite, participate in a number of classes, and as such, can explain the facts objectively.

A number of years ago, the COA had a plan for a senior center that encompassed all it needed and many features it wanted. It was turned down by the town. The COA was in limbo from that time until a building became available, which is now our new Senior Center. This building had one feature the “town criers” protested — its size. But there were other features that were sorely needed, such as increased space, parking, and a sunlit environment. Most importantly, the town could afford it. In the end, the Senior Center has turned out well and most seniors are very pleased with it, as evidenced by the growing number of seniors coming to the center for a variety of programs. It is these many programs and services, of which the exercise programs are but a few, that the writer has to understand.

Now, let me address the “sardine-sized” exercise area. The core of the building is a 2,000-square-foot area with a moveable partition. When the partition is closed because of a meeting, program or some other function, the exercise area is 830 square feet. Having attended classes at other sites, this is slightly larger than Blue Hills Technical School’s exercise area (800 sf), which appears to be adequate for more than 800 students. It is also larger than the allocated space in St. John’s Church basement and at Pequitside Farm, both of which accommodated the COA’s exercisers for years.

It should also be noted that instructors can open or close the partition as needed, with very few exceptions. If at some future date the instructor or class members feel additional space is needed, then some classes could be split up or class times changed. Presently, that time has not come. When some classes were asked whether the partition should be opened or closed, they opted to keep it closed. With respect to the “instructress” asking exercisers to “move up front,” she has been telling them for years when they are on top of each other at the back of the room.

There are a number of gyms in our area that possibly offer a larger exercise space than our Senior Center. So instead of harboring so much anger, maybe the writer should consider a “change of venue.”


Janet Walrod

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