Speeding a real problem on Neponset St.
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
Neponset Street residents are asking for help getting in and out of their driveways because of speeding vehicles and people on cell phones not paying attention to driving. I for one can’t get out because the brush and trees behind the chain link fence belonging to the Plymouth Rubber property have not been cut down this year after phone calls to the Public Works Department. Canton town workers have been diligent in maintaining the front of the fence and picking up debris.
Cars speed down Neponset and don’t see my driveway. If everyone would just take their foot off the gas when going down the hill at the lights at Cape Cod Lane, they would be at the speed limit of 30 miles per hour. It would be great if Neponset Street had a flashing sign like they have at Pleasant Street or police monitoring the flow of traffic. I wish one of the town officials would try to get out of my driveway!
Here I am, a public servant for animal welfare in the town, a senior citizen, and my brother is a retired police officer and I can’t even get help! There are small children who live near me along with older citizens who risk their lives every day on this street. Do something!
Helyn Spierdowis
Norfolk County Humane Society
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