DCR announces meetings on Blue Hills deer management
By Canton CitizenThe Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game are holding a series of public meetings on a draft deer management plan for the Blue Hills Reservation.
The first meeting was held on Thursday, September 24 at the Ponkapoag Golf Course in Canton. Subsequent meetings will be held on Tuesday, September 29, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Blue Hills Trailside Museum, 1904 Canton Avenue in Milton, and Thursday, October 1, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Lincoln-Hancock Elementary School Auditorium, 300 Granite Street in Quincy.
Text of the draft management plan can be found at www.mass.gov. Comments can be submitted here or via mail to the DCR Office of Public Outreach, 251 Causeway Street, 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02114.
For more information about the public meetings, please email dcr.updates@state.ma.us. If you have questions, concerns, or would like to be added to an email list to receive DCR project-specific or general announcements, email mass.parks@state.ma.us or call 617-626-4973.
Short URL: https://www.thecantoncitizen.com/?p=30870