Traffic committee to review intersection options
By Mike BergerThe Traffic Advisory Committee, headed by selectmen Mark Porter and Kevin Feeney, has identified three or four projects that the committee will be examining in the coming months.
The committee will be working with Town Planner Tim Richard in designing options for the Randolph-Washington Street intersection and looking at whether a roundabout makes sense at that location. In the interim, the committee will ask the DPW and/or police to make signage more evident for right- and left-hand turning lanes.
The committee also plans to look at traffic and speed limit enforcement on Prospect Street and possible parking and access changes on Independence Street leading to the Luce School.
Members of the committee are also working with Lisa Grega of the town’s Engineering Division to look at the records of all traffic light synchronization and when each light was last synchronized.
Regarding the oft-maligned Randolph/Turnpike Street intersection and traffic light, committee member Peter Pineo said it is up to the public and the business community to call the state Department of Transportation’s highway division and ask for changes. Porter said it is his understanding that MassDOT redesigned the intersection with safety rather than efficiency in mind.
In other news, the committee plans to ask the DPW to clear all vegetation and weed outgrowth on York Street to make the road more visible.
Police Chief Ken Berkowitz will be speaking to the committee on traffic and speed enforcement at its next meeting on Tuesday, December 8, at 7 p.m. All residents are urged to attend the monthly meeting and ask questions.
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