Schools to hold focus groups for supt. search
By Canton CitizenThe Canton Public Schools have engaged the New England School Development Council (NESDEC) to assist them in the search process for a new superintendent of schools.
An integral part of the process involves parent and community participation in focus groups. The groups are designed to obtain participant input about the attributes, experience, and knowledge that the new superintendent should possess. The groups also provide an opportunity for participants to identify immediate tasks that the new superintendent should address.
The focus group sessions for parents, students, community members, school council and CAPT members, etc. will be conducted in the Galvin Middle School library on Tuesday, December 8, at 7 p.m. The focus group will last approximately 60-90 minutes.
All those interested in participating should contact School Business Manager Barry Nectow at 781-821-5060 ext. 1245 or to register for one of the sessions. Focus groups are designed to serve a maximum of 50 participants, and registration is required. The Canton Public Schools and NESDEC hope that many parents and community members will be able to participate.
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