One Night, One Light
By Canton Citizen
Rabbi Horowitz prepares to light the giant Chanukah menorah across from Town Hall. (Chai Center photo)
Some 100 people of all ages gathered across from Canton Town Hall to mark the first night of Chanukah at sundown on Sunday, December 6.
The event, sponsored by Canton’s Chai Jewish Center, was hosted by Rabbi Mendy and Rivka Horowitz. The community menorah lighting was held at ARCH Orthodontics, 800 Washington Street.
The program featured a traditional menorah-lighting ceremony and blessings, festive music, donuts, and hot latkes (potato pancakes).
Local dignitaries who spoke about freedom and the symbolism of the light from the menorah included state Representative Bill Galvin, Canton Selectman Kevin Feeney, and Fire Chief Charles Doody. Rabbi Horowitz led the group in traditional blessings and song.
In a timely Chanukah-related ‘miracle’ moment, at the start of the program it was determined that there was no outdoor electric current for the microphone, music, and electric menorah candles. Chief Doody promptly asked his department to bring a generator, and the festivities began. Rabbi Horowitz compared the ‘miracle’ to another one about 2,200 years ago when it was feared there wasn’t enough pure oil for the temple candelabra.
The eight-day holiday of Chanukah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem following the surprise victory by the Maccabees over the much larger Greek Empire army. It also celebrated the victory of light over darkness, and religious freedom over oppression, when the menorah in the temple miraculously stayed lit for eight days.
The Chanukah festivities continue on the last day of Chanukah with a community Chanukah celebration at Canton High School on Sunday, December 13, at 12:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to participate and enjoy hot latkes and donuts, circus entertainment, a giant balloon menorah, Chanukah themed crafts and activities, and live holiday music!
Come see how we light a giant, six-foot menorah atop a 1980 Chevy FMC working fire engine. The children will have a chance to go into the fire truck and test the sirens and lights, courtesy of
To RSVP, for more information, or to receive your complimentary Chanukah candles, please call 781-821-2227 or email
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