Selectmen finalize choice for new town planner
By Mike BergerThe Board of Selectmen on Tuesday approved the recommendation of Human Resources Director Jody Middleton to seek a contract with Laura Smead of Sharon to be the new town planner.
Pending successful contract negotiations, Smead would replace Tim Richard, who stepped down in January after serving in the role for a year. Richard was Canton’s first town planner in a decade after the position was reinstated at the 2014 annual town meeting.
The town received 22 applications for the position, and a search committee interviewed five of the candidates before recommending Smead. Committee members included Middleton, Planning Board Chairman Jeremy Comeau, Town Engineer Jim Donovan, Assistant Town Engineer Lisa Grega, Planning Board assistant Karen Lawlor, Building Commissioner Ed Walsh, and ZBA member Greg Pando.
Smead currently works as a research associate for the Waste to Energy Design Lab, part of the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Smead has several degrees, including a master’s degree in urban and environmental policy and planning from Tufts University; a master’s in psychology from California State University; and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Minnesota.
Middleton said the committee checked her references and found that “Ms. Smead works well with all departments and the community. She has strong written and verbal skills.”
Middleton said once the contract has been agreed to, she estimates Smead would begin after July 4. The position pays in the vicinity of $60,000.
In other news Tuesday night:
* The state legislature approved Canton’s home rule petition for additional liquor licenses for restaurants and retail package stores. Town Administrator Bill Friel said selectmen can add up to five additional restaurant licenses and two package store licenses. Selectmen will determine the number of licenses and the process for accepting applications …
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