Traffic concerns resurface in Wentworth neighborhood
By Mike BergerIn an effort to address speeding and traffic concerns on Ridge Hill Road, selectmen voted to approve a ‘no right turn’ at the intersection with Wentworth Road that takes effect as soon as the DPW installs the sign.
At a public hearing Tuesday night, selectmen heard from many Ridge Hill Road residents who said they were impacted by the stop signs implemented a year ago on Wentworth Road as a traffic-calming measure. These signs were supported by Wentworth Road residents at a public hearing last July.
The new rule will be effective from 6 to 9 a.m. on weekdays only (Monday through Friday). Selectmen also approved adding slow traffic signs on Ridge Hill Road and increasing police presence when possible to ticket motorists who often exceed the 25 mile-per-hour limit. However, all current stop signs on Wentworth and Redman roads will remain in effect for the time being.
Dave McCarthy of 5 Ridge Hill Road, who brought the concerns to selectmen, said stop signs should not be intended to move traffic from one street to another. Many residents who spoke at the hearing complained of speeding and added traffic volume as motorists are now using Ridge Hill Road as a cut-through to avoid the stop signs.
Selectmen Chairman Bob Burr said the ‘no right turn’ sign is a first step but said they could also consider installing speed bumps if the neighborhood wanted it.
Selectman Victor Del Vecchio said there isn’t a simple solution and that whatever changes they make will impact other neighborhoods in the area.
Selectmen Kevin Feeney and Mark Porter, who both serve on the Blue Ribbon Traffic Committee, said the ultimate solution is to fix the intersection at Washington and Randolph streets. They are hoping to have some consensus on a traffic plan …
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