Where is the granite curbing for Prospect?
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
It’s meant some “travel delays” around Canton during the past couple of months, but it’s been nice to see that a number of local streets are receiving long overdue “makeovers.” The construction crews and local police worked hard and did a good job on the reconstruction of Prospect Street, for instance.
I do have a concern, however. Presently, Lawrence Street is being reconstructed. I noticed that first-class granite curbing has been installed for the Lawrence Street sidewalks. No curbing at all, however, was provided for Prospect Street. There are parts of Prospect where it looks like the street is actually just very wide with an occasional telephone pole protruding out of the side area of the street! Prospect Street is very near the Dean S. Luce Elementary School. One would think that all streets in that part of town, which are considered “walking routes” for mail carriers, would need well-built sidewalks bounded by granite curbing.
Robert E. Baril
Short URL: https://www.thecantoncitizen.com/?p=34209