BOS close to finalizing Reservoir Pond rules & regs
By Mike BergerAfter a year of study and hearings, selectmen are expected to approve a series of formal rules and regulations concerning usage of Reservoir Pond after many residents voiced approval of the draft rules prepared by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) and new Town Planner Laura Smead. (Read MAPC draft rules & regulations)
More than 35 people attended Tuesday’s public hearing on the matter, which lasted approximately 90 minutes. After the hearing, selectmen decided to send the draft back to Smead and Town Administrator Charlie Aspinwall for further revisions and to find answers to questions posed during the hearing.
The major adjustments to the draft regulations include the following:
* Hours of small boating launches from the Earl Newhouse waterfront will be changed from dawn to dusk. The Police Department will open and shut the gates.
* The speed limit for general boating use will be changed from 15 miles per hour to 25 mph and from 25 mph to 35 mph for water skiing.
* The use of jet skiing remains a question. There were mixed opinions on the issue, with Selectmen Chairman Bob Burr offering a compromise plan whereby an area within the pond would be designated for jet ski use. Burr asked Smead to research why other towns have banned jet skiing.
The other questions still to be addressed are whether boat owners should clean the outside of their boats before using the pond and whether they should show proof of insurance before being issued a permit.
The only opposition to the draft of the rules came from two longtime abutters who questioned the selectmen’s right to regulate the use of Reservoir Pond. The abutters would like to see the town counsel’s research on this issue and asked that it be posted on the town website.
Still, many residents spoke in favor of the draft rules, including Bill Cohen, chairman of the Reservoir Pond Advisory Committee, and Jim Rogers of the Reservoir Pond Preservation Association.
Selectmen are hoping to decide on the rules and regulations at their September 13 meeting.
See this week’s Canton Citizen to read more highlights from the August 9 selectmen’s meeting. Not a subscriber? Click here to order your subscription today (also available in digital form).
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