Gorham, James M.
By Canton CitizenJames Mathias Gorham of Canton passed away peacefully on August 26, 2016, surrounded by his loving family. James, better known as Jim, Jimmy, and Uncle Jimbo, was 71 years old.
As both an Army veteran and a career AT&T man, Jim had a career that enabled him frequent trips to Ireland and a home base near his family. What we will all most remember about Jim, however, are his love for his family, his giving spirit, and his selfless acts of kindness. Jim’s devotion to his family is perhaps the finest example of family first; he drove miles and miles to make sure everyone got where they needed to go, spent hours and days on the sidelines of soccer and little league games or a bench at a ski area, and thousands of stops for a quick lunch. Jim’s friends were his family too …
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