Problem Solvers grateful for community support
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
This past year, various companies, CAPTs, and alumni generously donated to help send a Canton Future Problem Solving (FPS) individual, three Community Problem Solving (CmPS) teams, and a scenario writer to the International Competition at Michigan State University in East Lansing. Our FPS individual, CmPS teams, and scenario writer would like to thank our sponsors for making our fantastic trip to the International Competition possible! The experience was truly memorable — staying in dorm rooms, eating in dining halls, meeting and hanging out with students from all over the world, participating in the memento exchange, and the stress about competing in an international competition.
A big thank you to the following organizations and individuals: Bank of Canton, Dunkin Donuts (Canton Center), Floral Fantasy, Orchard Cove, Galvin CAPT, Hansen CAPT, Kennedy CAPT, Fidaa and Michele Barbar, Robert Barker and Marla Schay Barker, Thomas and Theresa Barosky, Kevin and Patricia Blake, Stephen and Linda Bonica, Martin and Connie Daly, Carol Guenthner, Paul and Janet Hession, Han-Hwa Hung, Susan James, Donna Kendall, Robert and Kathleen Oates, Richard and Marci Rosenthal, Dana and Donna Sceviour, Steven and Joan Schottenfeld, James Sharpe and Deborah Stein Sharpe, Peter and Linda Silverstein, Lester and Madeline Stein, Dino and Janet Susi, and Karl and Katharine Waldman.
We also wish to thank our parents, relatives, friends, and community who make our dreams a reality.
Thank you!
Canton Problem Solvers
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