Enough with the Trump bashing
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
Regarding several recent intense letters to the Canton Citizen by Alice Brown, my response is: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” (from William Shakespeare). And to use a much more common 21st century expression: “Enough already!” Her points have been made. I don’t think any more from her needs to be stated about (that is, against) President Trump.
I did vote for Trump for president, after quite a bit of soul-searching. It’s true that he said and did quite a number of really stupid and inappropriate things while campaigning. My problem was that the Libertarian candidate just did not seem qualified or capable to be president, and I could not even think of voting for Hillary Clinton or any other person from the far left to occupy the oval office. Obama led the country (mostly) in the wrong direction for eight years. It was absolutely time for a change!
Honestly, I wish Trump would stop with the “tweeting” and the sensationalism. But he’s a smart businessman and has chosen many outstanding people to serve in his cabinet. The young female student from Canton High School whose pro-Trump letter to the paper was published a few weeks ago made a number of great points. I believe in praying for Trump and Pence. I believe in praising them when they do well and in criticizing them when they do wrong. This is still very early in the Trump administration. Whether we’re on the right or the left, Democrat or Republican, let’s stop the name calling and let’s calm down and give the Trump administration a chance. Please!
Robert E. Baril
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