A Look Inside: Canton Citizen’s May 18 edition
By Canton CitizenCheck out this week’s issue of the Canton Citizen for the latest in Canton news, sports, events, and more. Now through June 1, new in-town subscriptions are just $25 for 52 issues (a savings of $10). Highlights from the May 18 issue include:
* CHS grad excited for next chapter after battling brain cancer
* Highlights from the May 16 Board of Selectmen’s meeting
* Photo coverage of the Hansen Luau (Fathers/Someone Special & Daughters)
* Police/fire news: Canton man arrested for store burglaries
* Upcoming events: Ice Capers, Blue Hills Green Up, Massasoit Arts Festival and much more
Also, don’t forget to check out our many weekly features, including:
* Man About Canton by Joe DeFelice
* Agent’s Corner from Canton Veterans Agent Tony Andreotti
* Little Bit of Laurie — weekly recipe column by Laurie Vachon
* Canton Police Log, In the Spotlight, and much more.
Click here to order your subscription today, or check out our new digital edition, the e-Citizen.
Short URL: https://www.thecantoncitizen.com/?p=36235