CAASA reaffirms opposition to marijuana sales
By Canton CitizenThe Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA) has reaffirmed its decision to support a ballot question that would prohibit the retail sale of marijuana in Canton, following in line with the towns of Norwood and Stoughton, who have already passed the prohibition. Police Chief Ken Berkowitz will be advising selectmen of the CAASA position and ask that they consider placing the opt-out question on the next ballot. The town voted against the legalization of marijuana in the last election.
At CAASA’s monthly meeting on May 22 at CFD headquarters, Fire Chief Charles Doody said Nicky Gefteas, CHS student representative, attended the meeting to provide a student perspective on the issues of alcohol and drug use among teens in Canton. The schools reported that the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) was conducted at the high school and is scheduled to be completed at the middle school in the coming weeks. The YRBS is a rather detailed survey that polls students’ attitudes and experiences with a myriad of issues, including alcohol and drug use. Once those results are analyzed, CAASA will use the information to develop programs to address those needs. CAASA’s next meeting is June 19 at 3:30 p.m. at the Canton Police Station.
In other substance abuse news, EMS Coordinator Kevin Hurley reported three instances of Narcan administration to overdose victims during the period from May 15-29. All three victims were men, ages 51, 41, and 38.
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