Hammond-Homans, Yvonne
By Canton CitizenYvonne Schraepen Hammond-Homans, 80, died at home in Canton on Sunday, November 5, 2017.
Born in Embourg, Belgium, on January 25, 1937, Yvonne came from a big, loving Belgian family, headed by her parents, Alphonse and Josee Schraepen. That spirit traveled with her across the Atlantic in 1961, when she came to the U.S. with her first husband, Henry Hammond. Together they raised daughter Genevieve and son Henry, who survive her, as do their spouses Dan Matthews and Mimi Neuman, as well as her grandchildren Eli, Bex, and Jesse.
Yvonne loved above all being a mother and a grandmother, and that feeling extended to her second family, which she acquired in 1988 when she married James A. P. Homans, who predeceased her in 2016 …
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