Pop Warner team competes in Hock Super Bowl
By Canton CitizenCongratulations to the 2017 Canton Pop Warner C team for making it to the Hockomock Super Bowl. Despite a loss against Mansfield, the Bulldogs had a remarkable season. Thanks to coaches Mike Wagner, Brian Lane, and Vinnie DiBiasio for your time, commitment, and dedication to the sport and, more importantly, to player development. Team members include Ahmed Abuelbasher, Amaan Ahmad, Vaughn Alexander, Jack Benbow, Ryan Brown, Quinn Carver, Austin DiBiasio, Connor Harney, Matthew Hart, Ryan Keleher, Casey Kelley, Kevin LaBelle, Owen Lane, Patrick Lipowicz, Mike Mullaly, Mick O’Callaghan, Drew O’Connor, Patrick O’Hagan, James Podgurski, Garrett Quinn, Luke Richards, Michael Sayers and Clayton Wagner.
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