Bridge over troubled waters?
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
Given the connection between Napleton Co. and Canton Holdings, does Canton really think it wise to buy a bridge from this outfit? (The zoning board has approved a new road and bridge through the Plymouth Rubber redevelopment site that will connect Revere and Neponset streets.)
Ever since the million-dollar expenditure approved at town meeting to re-repair the Reservoir Pond Dam (to save life and property per the Office of Dam Safety), I’ve been reading with interest to learn more about how the original repair, performed by Napleton Co., turned out to be a total failure, leaving us residents holding the bag for a million-dollar re-repair after the property was transferred from Napleton to the town.
As I understand it, Canton Holdings is essentially the same company as Napleton, with a name change and a different project manager.
If that is the case, is the town of Canton really going to trust the same company to build a bridge for us and then pay them for it? I don’t see how that can pass the straight-face test, given their track record. A million-dollar repair job failure is not inconsequential, and why on earth would we expect a different outcome for something as challenging as a bridge? The developer noted in the ZBA meeting on this that they have never built a bridge before. I hope Canton can learn from its past mistakes, rather than repeat them.
Ann Macadam
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