GMS students partner with Puerto Rican schoolmates
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
The students in my social studies class were deeply moved after watching a news clip about the effects of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico (—archive).
They watched how countless schools have been completely destroyed; many are being used as shelters and will not be available for use for months to come. Also, if and when they do reopen, they will not have basic supplies as the hurricanes have caused total devastation. Project SOS (Save Our Schools) was born out of the students’ intense desire to do something to help kids going through difficult times.
I have had the honor to work closely with a local activist, Ms. Camellia Rodriguez, an engineer by profession, who is doing amazing work to ensure that supplies reach the neediest folks in Puerto Rico. In speaking with her, we came up with a list of the school items that would be in high demand when the schools reopen. The students were asked to donate any school supplies because it would make a huge difference in the lives of young children and educators facing a crisis.
Ms. Rodriguez spoke at an assembly for the students and through her presentation, showed the enormous need facing the schools in Puerto Rico. The Galvin community — students, parents, staff and administration — responded with generosity and the next two weeks, supplies kept pouring in. We would like to thank each and every one of you who donated to this worthy cause. Ms. Rodriguez is making arrangements for the supplies to be shipped to Puerto Rico.
Not only was this project necessary, but it was also a wonderful life lesson for our students to stand alongside those whose lives were changed in the blink of an eye. Our SOS drive was a success thanks to the generosity of the Canton community. Thank you!
Rumni Saha (on behalf of my wonderful students)
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