Canton’s ‘Make Way for Ducklings’ story
By GuestOne day during the month of March, on a busy street in the rear yard of a Canton resident, while a blizzard was in full bloom, there was a loud crack outside. A look out of the den window showed where and what the noise came from. A large pine tree had fallen to the ground, barely missing a newly planted tree in the garden, planted last fall in memory of the homeowner’s husband.
The fallen pine tree belonged to the abutting neighbor. After several storms, it was brought to the neighbor’s attention that the tree was their responsibility to remove, but they were unaware that any of this had happened, as it was hidden from their view from their house. With so much snow, they had not been able to walk in their backyard. Finally, when they looked over the fence, they saw the huge tree lying down and told the homeowner they would take care of it, remove it and clean the area up, and repair the fence.
Finally, this week the weather became more “spring-like” and the neighbor and sons came to cut up the tree and cart it away. When most of the branches were removed and the trunk was cut up, they discovered a newly created nest with several eggs in it, but no bird sitting on the eggs. They halted their work with this surprise to see what would happen next. They called the homeowner to tell them why they had not completed the task and what they had discovered. Both felt that the nest was most likely abandoned and would wait a day or two to see what happened.
The next day when they returned, they found a proud mother duck, sitting on the nest, not moving, with only a few branches around her for protection. The duck must have laid her eggs after the tree had fallen, as the nest sits directly on the ground. Though many days and nights have gone by, storms have come and gone, heavy winds have occurred, still the mother duck sits majestically on her nest.
The tree will now have to wait to be cleaned up and the pieces removed until we see what happens and whether the eggs hatch. It is nice to know that in this day and age, Mother Nature is still doing her job. Regardless of the surroundings, life goes on.
Stay tuned Canton, to see if, in this modern era, we can still make way for ducklings.
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