Special TM called to consider medical moratorium
By Mike BergerThe Board of Selectmen, in a 4-1 vote on Tuesday, agreed to call a special town meeting on the second night of the 2018 annual town meeting on Wednesday, May 16, to hear a request for a one-year moratorium on new structures proposed for use as a hospital, convalescent or nursing home within the town of Canton.
The author of the article is George Comeau of Sherman Street, a member of several local boards and committees and formerly of the Planning Board, who told selectmen that while the article is late, he believes the town needs the proper time to study if and where any new facilities should be properly located and zoned.
Selectman Chris Connolly, formerly a member of the Planning Board, said he believed that Comeau filed the article in response to a proposed substance abuse detoxification center at the site of the Bay State School of Technology. Building Commissioner Ed Walsh has determined that the proposed facility would not be permitted at that location based on current zoning bylaws and the matter is currently under appeal with the zoning board.
Comeau, however, differed with Connolly and said his intent in filing the article was not specific to one site but rather an attempt to properly plan and zone for new medical and convalescent centers that may be built in the town. He added that the moratorium would not affect the case in front of the zoning board.
The other four selectmen said they would want to hear an opinion from Town Counsel Paul DeRensis but felt that the voters should have the final say on the article. Selectmen Kevin Feeney and Mark Porter said that if the article properly protects Canton residents then they would support it.
The approval by selectmen to hold the special town meeting opens the warrant for the special town meeting from Tuesday night, April 10, to Monday, April 23, at noon.
In other news on Tuesday night, the town’s Cable Advisory Committee received an enormous wave of support Tuesday from all major town department heads, School Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Fischer-Mueller, and selectmen as the committee began the process of negotiating a new cable license with Comcast. The current contract will expire on March 29, 2020.
The Cable Advisory Committee will report to selectmen, who have the authority to accept or reject a new license. A public ascertainment hearing was held Tuesday night in front of a packed audience to determine the town’s cable programming needs and evaluate the current service of Comcast. A similar process was recently successfully concluded with Verizon …
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