Town seeks resident input on future of Canton Junction
By Canton CitizenThe town of Canton recently held a visioning workshop at the library to discuss residents’ ideas for the future of Canton Junction.
The town is working with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council to facilitate a community-driven process to plan for the future of the area around the Canton Junction Commuter Rail Station. Part of the industrial zone near the train station may currently be underutilized and offer potential for creating a unique multi-use district with a mix of programming, ranging from residential units to retail/restaurant space to light industrial uses. The objective of the study is to determine what uses could be viable and desirable given current market conditions in Canton and the region while being sensitive to the long-range vision for the town and neighborhood. This process will lead to the development of a vision for the area and develop strategies to achieve that vision.
This effort is with the understanding that current landowners have no immediate plans to sell or significantly redevelop their property. However, the findings will be useful to include in the ongoing Master Plan update (expected fall 2019). It will be a workshop format, with a brief presentation in the beginning and then a series of small group activities.
For more information, contact Laura Smead at
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