Construction underway at Revere Heritage Site bridge
By Mike BergerMotorists and pedestrians traveling on Neponset Street in recent weeks have likely noticed a new bridge under construction at the Paul Revere Heritage Site that could soon alter the traffic patterns on Revere and Neponset streets. Contractors for the mixed-use development have begun erecting the steel planks of the bridge, which is located opposite Norfolk Street and which spans a nearby “diversion channel” — a manmade stretch of the East Branch of the Neponset River.
The bridge will allow visitors to the Revere site, including condominium residents and park, museum and restaurant patrons, to exit the property onto Neponset Street, one of the major through-ways to I-95, Norwood and Walpole. Currently, the only means of access and egress to/from the site is via Revere Street.
Bernie Plante, spokesperson for Canton Holdings LLC, developer of the Revere Heritage Site, said bridge construction is expected to be completed by around September 15, followed by the extension of the roadway connecting both sides of the bridge, which should take another six weeks or so.
Plante said the bridge is 38 feet wide by 100 feet long and made of galvanized steel. He estimated the cost at $1.61 million.
Also underway is the design of a new Neponset-Norfolk Street traffic light by engineers of Canton Holdings.
At some point when the bridge, new roadway through the site (Revolution Way), and traffic light are completed, Canton Holdings will ask the town through the Board of Selectmen and eventually the DPW to take over the maintenance of the roadway and bridge.
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