Dedham Street detours to begin Monday night
By Mike BergerThe state Department of Transportation (MassDOT) will close a portion of Dedham Street over I-95 for a three-week period in the overnight hours beginning Monday, September 23. The detours, originally scheduled for late July and early August, will be in effect Monday through Thursday of each week between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.
The detours are needed to allow the contractor, SPS New England, to conduct underground utility work and to drain manholes in the area.
The state-funded Dedham Street Improvement Project, which includes road widening, bridge work, and construction of a new I-95 northbound exit ramp, is now 33 percent done and projected for completion in 2024.
The detours will be set at the I-95 South ramp for vehicles coning from University Avenue and at Elm Street for motorists coming from Washington Street.
Laura Hood of SPS New England and MassDOT officials informed selectmen of the revised schedule Tuesday night and said the road will be open for businesses located on the industrial road near the I-95 southbound ramp. The project timeline will depend on weather and other factors.
A formal announcement and map of the area will be posted on the town website this week.
The other major news from the September 17 selectmen’s meeting was the announcement of a new town finance director, William “Randy” Scollins III, to replace retiring Finance Director Jim Murgia. Scollins was given a two-year contract with an annual salary of $148,000. He will begin transitioning with Murgia and will work with him hourly starting in late October until Murgia’s retirement at the end of the year. Scollins previously served as the finance director for the town of Foxboro for many years …
See this week’s Citizen for more highlights from the Sept. 17 selectmen’s meeting. Special subscription offer for new in-town subscribers — only $26 for 52 issues! Click here to subscribe today.
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