A Look Inside: Canton Citizen’s April 9 edition


Check out this week’s issue of the Citizen for the latest in Canton news, sports, events, and more. Highlights from the April 9 edition include:

* Orchard Cove residents find hope amid ‘shelter at home’ directive

* Local photographers use talents to support others during COVID-19

* Canton transformed by COVID-19 — photos by Mike Tureski

* “Together yet Alone” by Pam D’Agostino

* Visit from the Easter Bunny

* CHS spring sports update

Also, don’t forget to check out our many weekly features, including:

* Police & Fire News Notes

* Senior Corner and Veterans’ Corner

* Cable Guide, Citizen Around Town, and much more.

* House of the Week and more local real estate resources

Not a subscriber? Click here to order your subscription today, or check out our new digital edition, the e-Citizen.

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