Mamma Mia cast and crew deserves our applause
By Canton CitizenDear Editor:
For the past few weeks, I have enjoyed reading about the championship season of our girls and boys hockey teams; they certainly deserved all the plaudits they received.
However, there is another team that didn’t get the opportunity to “skate for a title” and show what its hard work had achieved — it is the cast and crew of Mamma Mia. Their dreams came to an end just a week before the curtain went up.
Over a hundred students began their preparations for the highly anticipated spring musical in December and continued into March — working hard on honing their various talents and then meshing them into a final production.
In order to fully appreciate the complexity of a musical theatre production, one has to meet the cast and crew involved:
* Cast – combined acting, singing, and dancing
* Sound & Light crews – prepared for action and cues
* Set – built stairways, balconies, and more that held the entire cast
* Props – collected props and painted everything
* Costumers – measured, fitted, searched for, and created a minimum of three outfits for each cast member
* Stage Managers – attended every rehearsal taking attendance and setting the stage
* Pit Band/Orchestra – prepared for an on-stage performance of dozens of songs
* PR and Marketing – advertised for the show along with taking photos
* Student Choreographer – worked with the director for months to create wonderful dances
* Vocal Director – encouraged the cast to build its musical expertise by working with multi-part harmonies.
* Director – worked tirelessly to infuse all with her enthusiasm and magic and committed to involving each and every student in exciting choreography and staging
Yes, you would have been laughing, cheering, singing, and dancing and your APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE would have been their affirmation of a job well done.
Marilyn G. Curran, a devoted fan of the Canton Performing Arts Program
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