CPS outlines phase 2 of closures, revises calendar
By Mike BergerRemote learning opportunities that were once optional are now required for K-12 students as the Canton Public Schools transition into “phase 2” of school closures necessitated by the COVID-19 public health emergency.
As outlined in an April 8 letter to parents and guardians, Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Fischer-Mueller noted that the next phase will continue until students and staff return to school — whenever that may be.
“Our plan has been created in collaboration with the two largest unions in our district (e.g., teachers and education assistants) and the Canton School Committee,” said Fischer-Mueller. “As a result of deep discussions over time, we have an agreement.”
Part of that agreement, according to the superintendent, involves the cancelation of April vacation except for Patriots’ Day (April 20), which is a state holiday. As a result, the last day of school for grades 1-11 will be Tuesday, June 23, and the last day for kindergarten and PreK students will be Tuesday, June 16.
Currently, a state-wide closure of schools remains in effect until Monday, May 4. If the closure is extended, either by order of the governor or local school officials, then the remote learning requirement would continue.
As part of phase 2, Fischer-Mueller said teachers will be teaching new content through remote learning and stressed that any assignments are “not optional; they are expected to be completed.”
“Within this shift,” said the superintendent, “we remain committed to staying connected to each and every child in the Canton Public Schools and doing everything we can to provide all students with what they need in a very different context — from food and devices, to ongoing connections with school staff and peers, to learning and feedback that maintains and promotes student growth.”
Stated goals of phase 2 include: slowing the progress of the coronavirus by practicing social distancing; maintaining connections between staff and students to support their wellbeing and sense of belonging to their school communities; providing remote learning opportunities and supports to help students maintain their skills and knowledge and advance the curriculum; and communicating with students to help them access the materials, to offer support and encouragement, to clarify any questions they have and to provide feedback.
According to a list of frequently asked questions prepared by central office staff, assignments will continue to be shared in Google Classroom in grades K-12 with PreK students accessing their resources through the Preschool website.
Students will be expected to engage in “meaningful and productive learning,” some of which will be educator-directed and some self-directed, for approximately half the length of a regular school day.
Remote learning can be either synchronous, when the teacher and students are virtually connected at the same time, or asynchronous, when students engage with the learning opportunity at a time that is most convenient for them. Office hours will also be scheduled so that students can connect with their teachers to ask questions or seek help with their assignments.
At the PreK-5 levels, teachers will track student attendance during office hours, any synchronous remote learning sessions, and participation in Google Classroom. At GMS and CHS, teachers will track attendance during office hours and participation on work assigned …
See this week’s Canton Citizen for info on phase 2 of school closures. Click here to order your subscription today.
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