COVID-19 Update: Latest counts & mask reminders


As of May 8, the town of Canton had 242 confirmed cases of COVID-19. There have been 29 coronavirus-related deaths in Canton as of May 8, according to the state Department of Public Health. Statewide, there have been 75,333 confirmed cases and 4,702 deaths, including 6,801 cases and 623 deaths in Norfolk County.

According to the Board of Health, the exact number of deaths is difficult to report because although COVID-19 may have been a factor in a reported death, it may have not been identified as the primary reason. These deaths may not be reflected in the numbers reported by DPH.

Emergency Management Coordinator and Fire Chief Charles Doody noted in the town’s May 1 COVID-19 update that a disproportionate number of cases in Canton involve long-term care facilities, which he said is consistent with the experience of many other communities in Massachusetts. For detailed statistics, including town-by-town data, go to

Chief Doody reported the following in his COVID-19 update on Friday, May 8:

Since April 28, Canton has seen a flattening of our curve with 15 new cases being diagnosed over the last 11 days. Your efforts to stay home, maintain social distance, wear a face covering and wash your hands frequently are having an impact on reducing the new number of cases in Canton. Your continued commitment to keeping yourself and each other healthy is vital in returning to normal sooner rather than later.

We ask all residents to comply with the governor’s recent face covering order.

Any person who is in a place open to the public and is unable to maintain a distance of approximately six feet from every other person shall cover their mouth and nose with a mask or cloth face covering. This order applies to both indoor and outdoor spaces. Exceptions include children under the age of 2 and those unable to wear a mask or face covering due to a medical condition.

Everyone is required to wear masks or cloth face coverings when inside grocery stores, pharmacies, and other retail stores. Businesses may decline entry to individuals who refuse to wear a face covering for non-medical reasons.

Remember you are covering your face to protect others as much as yourself.

Finally, we have noticed that many of our young people continue to gather without maintaining their social distance and are not wearing face coverings. Please encourage your teens to help keep their parents and grandparents safe by wearing a face covering in public and maintaining their social distance from one another whenever possible.

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