CHS unveils plans for August 1 graduation ceremony
By Jay Turner
The seating plan at the Aug. 1 ceremony will be different than in past years to observe social distancing.
Barring any setbacks in the public health arena, there will be ‘pomp and circumstance’ after all for the Canton High Class of 2020 this summer.
In a letter to the seniors and their families dated May 28, CHS Principal Derek Folan said he was “thrilled” to announce plans for an in-person commencement to be held on Saturday, August 1. Considered unfeasible as recently as a few weeks ago, the event, according to Folan, now appears to be a reality following the release of new state guidelines allowing for outdoor graduations after July 19.
Folan did caution that the guidelines and protocols were “extensive” and also “heavily contingent” on public health data that supports the continued opening of the commonwealth. He added that the guidelines call for a brief and “extremely orderly” event.
“But it’s all worth it,” he said, “because the students deeply want to see one another and celebrate as one. Families want that moment as well. Our school community will have the opportunity to hear ‘Pomp and Circumstance,’ watch the Class of 2020 march in, listen to student speeches, walk across the stage in front of family and friends, and turn the tassel.”
In the meantime, the seniors will be presented with their diplomas as part of a previously planned drive-up event scheduled for this Saturday, June 6, at 1 p.m. Graduates and their families will meet beforehand in the Canton Junction parking lot and then drive to the CHS lower lot in groups of 25. Folan said the seniors will wear their cap and gown and walk across the stage, but most of the ceremonial aspects of graduation will be preserved for the August event.
Folan said school leaders decided to proceed with the conferral of diplomas in June to be “respectful of families and graduates who need this closure from high school and/or have obligations (military, work, post-secondary plans) in the summer.”
“Additionally, knowing that outdoor graduations are only possible if public health data continues to improve, we wanted to ensure we designate our CHS graduates with the conferring of the diploma,” he said.
As for the August graduation ceremony, Folan said it will be a “cherished opportunity for us to come together in person as a school community and celebrate the Class of 2020.” The logistics of the event are still being planned and details will be forthcoming, he said.
In accordance with state guidelines, attendance will be limited to the graduates and their immediate family members, and face coverings will be required. Graduates and spectators must be spaced at least six feet apart, and hugging or hand shaking will not be permitted.
In order to ensure that the event goes forward as planned, Folan urged all seniors to “continue to follow state and local safety guidelines, wear masks and adhere to social distancing expectations through the summer.”
“As a school, we are so excited to share in this moment with the Class of 2020,” he said, adding, “The Class of 2020 is a phenomenal group of young adults. Great celebrations and memories are ahead.”
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