BOS, School Committee races headline June 16 election


Update: Click here for the official results from Tuesday’s town election.

After a two-month postponement due to COVID-19 concerns, it’s finally nearing decision time in the 2020 town election as Canton’s remaining voters get set to head to the polls on Tuesday, June 16.

This year, there are choices available for Board of Selectmen, where four candidates are vying for two open seats, and School Committee, where the addition of a write-in candidate has opened up a late-breaking three-way contest for two available spots.

By virtue of an act of the state legislature, many residents have already cast their ballots thanks to a mail-in option that was made available to all registered voters beginning April 1. Residents can technically still vote in this manner, provided they return a completed application before noon on June 15 and return the ballot itself by the close of polls (8 p.m.) on June 16.

Those who are comfortable voting in person will be able to do so at their regular polling location on Tuesday; however, the procedures have been modified to ensure the health and safety of voters as well as election workers.

According to the Town Clerk’s office, “Social distancing will be practiced and voters will be requested to wear a mask while in the polling place, unless there is a medical exception. When entering the polling place, voters will receive a sanitized writing implement for marking their ballot. Hand sanitizer will be available when entering the polling place.”

Additionally, all check-in and check-out tables will be equipped with acrylic shields, and election workers will wear masks and latex gloves. Voting booths will also be disinfected after each use.

As for the election itself, all eyes will be on the two contested races, which feature a mix of first-term incumbents and newcomers seeking their first shot at elected office.

In the BOS race, selectmen Chris Connolly and Tom Theodore will look to fend off a challenge from Lisa Lopez, who lost in a recount in 2019, and first-time candidate Joe Amrhein. Additional information about each of the candidates can be found at or via the Community Station link at

Meanwhile, the arrival of Kendall O’Halloran as a write-in candidate for School Committee has shaken up what had previously been an uncontested race consisting of incumbent Nichola Gallagher and first-time candidate Charles Rae. (Veteran School Committee member Reuki Schutt opted not to seek reelection this year.) Additional information about each of the three School Committee candidates can be found on page 6 of this week’s Citizen.

The remaining candidates on the 2020 ballot are all running unopposed and include Anjali Schutt, who is running for a two-year vacancy on the Board of Health, and incumbents Gene Manning (Board of Assessors), David McCarthy (Planning Board), Julie Goodman (Board of Health), Sue Cogliano (Library Trustees), and George Comeau (Library Trustees). A third library trustee term is also expiring and Betty Chelmow, a former longtime library trustee, is seeking the position as a write-in candidate.

Polls will be open to all registered voters on June 16 between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. at four locations: Canton High School for precincts 1 and 6; Dean S. Luce School for precinct 2; Blue Hills Regional for precinct 3; and John F. Kennedy School for precincts 4 and 5. For more information about election procedures or locating your precinct, visit

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