A message from the Canton Citizen publisher


“Bringing Canton closer to you.” These are not empty words printed each week on the Citizen banner. In fact, the message has been our mission since the paper launched in August 1987.

Since then, we have been the storytellers, the scribes of Canton history — the voice of the town, at the same time giving our readers the opportunity to share their voices.

Longtime Congressman Joe Moakley one said: “You live with the people upstairs, downstairs, and over the back fence.” When the Citizen celebrated its 25th anniversary, George Comeau echoed Moakley’s sentiment when he wrote: “For the past 25 years, the Canton Citizen has been an integral part of the community. In reality, every Thursday the Citizen has been communicating over the back fence in a way that opens doors, minds, and conversations.”

And now — when the pandemic has so changed the life we knew — it is even more important for the Citizen to remain a constant. Thank you to every one of you who has supported us by subscribing to the Citizen, one of the few surviving independent weekly newspapers in the country.

Please help us continue to be your “neighbor across the fence” for decades to come by continuing to subscribe and encouraging others to do so too.

With gratitude,

Publisher, Beth Erickson

Special Promotion: $30 for 1 year or $50 for 2 years for NEW in-town subscribers through July 15. Click here to order your subscription today.

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