Archive for: July, 2020

Recount looms as registrars navigate COVID concerns

Update: The Board of Registrars voted on Thursday to schedule a full recount for next Thursday, July 16, beginning at 8 a.m. in the Canton High School cafeteria. Voters who have been eagerly awaiting the final outcome of the 2020 Select Board race between presumptive winner Lisa Lopez and current runner-up Tom Theodore will soon have their answer as the Board of Registrars finalizes plans for a formal recount of ballots — the town’s second in as many spring election cycles.

Randolph-Washington intersection redesign underway

Delayed all last spring and summer with equipment and design issues and again in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Randolph-Washington Street intersection project is now back on track and slated for completion by early to mid August. Approved for funding at the May 2019 town meeting, the redesign calls for the installation of a […]

News Notes: CPD welcomes 4 new police officers

Four new Canton police officers graduated from the recruit officer course at the Police Academy in Reading on July 1 and are now going through field training until the end of August. Joining the CPD ranks are (above l-r) Pat Ward, Ben Berkowitz, Mike McDonald, and Sean Klimas. Deputy Police Chief Helena Rafferty said all […]

True Tales from Canton’s Past: Lines in Memory

Every so often a mystery begins simply with a question, a curiosity. So it is no surprise that recently when a slip of paper fell from the leaves of a donated book, a flurry of questions would ensue. At the top of the paper was printed “Lines in Memory of Freddie.” What followed was a […]

A Look Inside: Canton Citizen’s July 9 edition

Check out this week’s issue of the Citizen for the latest in Canton news, sports, events, and more. Highlights from the July 9 edition include: * ‘Troopergate’ players charged with conflict of interest violations * Pool reopens at the Ponkapoag Civic * True Tales from Canton’s Past: Lines in Memory * Highlights from the July 7 Select […]

O’Brien, Charles K.

Charles K. (Charlie) Ryan, 71, of Canton, formerly of Milton and Fort Myers, Florida, died unexpectedly on Friday, July 3, 2020, with his wife and daughter by his side. He was the son of Thomas F. and Helen Ryan of West Roxbury. Born in Boston, he graduated from Catholic Memorial and Boston College. He was […]

Fire Dept. honors 7 year old for saving father’s life

CFD honors 7 year old for saving father’s life The Canton Fire Department held a ceremony on Monday to honor 7-year-old Franky Barbour of Canton, whose quick actions helped to save his father after his clothes caught on fire. Frank Barbour Sr. had been burning leaves in his backyard on the afternoon of May 2 […]

MAC: Welcome to Canton, Mr. Turcotte

Did you know … Congratulations to Canton’s new high school principal, David Turcotte, who was selected by Canton School Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Fischer-Mueller. Mr. Turcotte will replace Derek Folan, who is moving into the role as the assistant superintendent for teaching and learning. Mr. Turcotte was the dean of students at Newton North High School for the past eight […]

Maintenance lacking at Farnham & Connolly Park

Dear Editor: We take a brisk evening walk to the very end of Farnham & Connolly Park on Neponset Street every evening. It has been an excellent alternative since our gyms closed in mid-March. Until a month ago, the park was well maintained, with a wide path for the full mile heading north and the quarter mile […]

On to the next chapter

Faculty and staff at Canton’s three elementary schools celebrated the promotion of this year’s fifth grade class with rolling parades held last week at each school. The Hansen School held a modified version of its annual “clap out” while the Luce and JFK schools held rolling promotion ceremonies. All students received a warm send-off as […]

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