High school rule changes OK’d, volleyball moved to new ‘Fall 2’ season
By Mike BergerIn a new post on the CHS Athletics Blog, Canton High Athletic Director Danny Erickson highlighted several new developments pertaining to high school sports in 2020-21. Among them are rules modifications for fall sports and a decision by the Hockomock League to move volleyball to the new Fall 2 “wedge season” that also includes football, competitive cheer and Unified basketball.
The rules modifications, according to Erickson, are “significant” and will require student-athletes to “bring a growth mindset to practices and contests this fall.” A copy of the modifications for each sport can be found on the MIAA’s COVID-19 Task Force page at miaa.net.
Regarding the decision on volleyball, the Hockomock League’s AD’s explained in an August 28 update that they felt it would be best to move it to Fall 2, which is scheduled to start on February 22. The AD’s noted that several other conferences are doing the same with volleyball, including all of District 3 and the Tri-Valley League. “The Hock realizes the reality of many schools starting in a remote-only structure, keeping buildings closed, as well as hybrid schools not having appropriate access to their gymnasiums,” the AD’s said in the statement.
Sports that will be offered in the traditional fall season (beginning September 18) with modified rules include golf, field hockey, boys and girls cross country, and boys and girls soccer.
On the subject of spectators, the league AD’s announced that they will be following the most recent state guidance, which allows a maximum of 50 people, excluding players, coaches, referees, or facility/activity workers, provided there is adequate space for everyone to maintain at least six feet of social distancing. Spectators must also wear facial coverings at all times. In order to enforce the state guidelines, the league announced that it will only be allowing spectators associated with the host school into their facility. The method by which each host school chooses to admit or not admit fans will be decided at the individual district level.
Another guidance of note pertains to physical exams, as clarified recently by the state Department of Public Health. According to Erickson, DPH has decided not to waive any part of the existing eligibility rules, which allows participation for 13 months from the date of a student’s last physical. “This means that in order to participate in CHS athletics, each student-athlete must provide the athletic office with an updated physical exam,” Erickson said.
He added that DPH has declared that virtual exams, including Zoom/tele-medical exams, are not acceptable for participation in high school athletics. Only in-person physical exams will be acceptable, he said …
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