Mainstream Media: Orange Man Bad


Dear Editor:

As a conservative, I find myself with virtually no platform for speech. Conservatives have often been censored from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and many newspapers and news outlets. Google manipulates its search results through programming that sends conservative links to the back of the queue or blocks them entirely, while promoting liberal-leaning results on page one. How did America become Nazi-Germany, flooding the airwaves with deceptive rhetoric while stifling any counter argument?

The executives of Google, Facebook, and Twitter have more collective power than any president or head of state worldwide. It should terrify everyone to think that the most influential people in the world are non-elected tech billionaires who may well want to unseat America as the world’s foremost benevolent power.

Even the most ardent liberals ought to defend the right to speak, to debate, to disagree — it’s our most fundamental freedom as Americans and one that used to be embraced by left and right. But when conservatives are silenced, it’s crickets from the left. The only conclusion we can draw is that the left is unable to counter the conservative argument and therefore sets out to eradicate it.

Americans have willingly outsourced their brains to their newsfeeds — unchallenged accounts compiled by WFH programmers sitting in their basements, elevated to surrogate thinkers for millions. We rely on unknown external sources to substitute for our own curiosity, investigation, and conclusion. Why not just stop a stranger on the street and ask him what you should think about important issues? The end result would be the same.

We have compromised decades of learning, standing by while our educational system continues to be degraded and surpassed by scores of nations across the world. Instead of developing critical thinking skills, or needed skillsets that enable employment, teachers and professors are held hostage to useless and sometimes destructive curriculum, such as the 1619 Project or Critical Race Theory — infusing racially charged ideas into the classroom, resulting in racial division and distortion of our American history.

Our life context is Twitter and Facebook. Our views are shaped by talking heads or ‘late night’ hosts who all mimic one another — word for word. When the same conglomerates own the communication outlets, we cannot expect diversity of thought; we are instead immersed in propaganda.

We are days away from the most important election of our lifetimes and most people have no concept of Trump’s extraordinary set of accomplishments — for the country and for every race, gender and income bracket, versus Biden’s extraordinary incompetence, lack of vision and inability to execute — 47 years of failure.

I hope that everyone will seek out the truth before casting their vote on November 3. You may need to visit conservative websites directly because they will not be in your newsfeed or search results, or you can do the unthinkable: visit the president’s website directly to see his accomplishments firsthand. Go for it. America deserves informed voters.

Gilda McGonagle

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