BOH: Don’t wait to vaccinate
By GuestBy Julie E. Goodman, PhD, Chair, Canton Board of Health, and Barbara Reardon, Public Health Director
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been clear that even after a person receives the COVID-19 vaccine, it is still important to maintain COVID-19 protective practices such as wearing a mask, maintaining physical distance, avoiding crowds, and washing hands often. This has had the unfortunate effect of leading some people to believe that getting vaccinated isn’t worth the trouble. This could not be further from the truth.
The vaccine is one of our most powerful weapons against the coronavirus. While the vaccine alone will not return our lives to the way they were pre-pandemic right away, getting people vaccinated is a critical step in the process.
Although they do not become fully effective until two weeks after the second dose, COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. are currently 95 percent effective at protecting people. If someone who is vaccinated does get infected, current evidence indicates that the vaccine will prevent serious illness. While it is not yet known whether vaccinated people can spread the virus, there is evidence that if a vaccinated person does infect others, those infected are less likely to have severe illness. These are all very important reasons to get vaccinated.
It is not clear how much of the world’s population needs to be vaccinated to end the pandemic, and we do not know how long it will take to get there. What is clear is that we all need to work together. This includes getting vaccinated when we become eligible and maintaining our COVID-19 safety protocols post-vaccination.
Although Canton is currently not receiving any more vaccines for first doses, vaccines are available at several local pharmacies and other organizations, as well as Gillette Stadium. Pre-registration is required at all locations.
Please check or for vaccination sites in our area. If you need help registering, please call the Canton COVID hotline at 339-502-5715. Volunteers are available during Town Hall business hours to assist you with the registration process. You can also contact the Council on Aging at 781-828-1323 if transportation to a vaccination site is a challenge.
For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine and its benefits, visit
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